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Kiwivac Can Service and Repair All Brands Of Central Vacuum Systems

Vacpans and Small Central Vacuums

Central Vacuum Systems for:

  • Kitchens
  • Tiny Homes
  • Motor Homes
  • Sleep Outs

Vacpans and Small Central Vacuums are compact, discrete and exceptionally powerful

Small Central Vacuums

KitVac Cupboard vacuums are small central vacuums that contain a motor and a bag. Ideal for the kitchen, laundry, rumpus or garage. You can install them in a cupboard with a Vacpan and an inlet piped to them.

The KitVac Cupboard Vac unit is about 40cm high, 20cm wide, and 40cm deep. With KitVac, you can still have the benefits of a central vacuum system in tiny spaces.

The vacuum cleaner, compact hose that expands to 5m, and accessories can easily be stored in a cupboard. As with other central vacuums, KitVac hygienically and powerfully extracts and contains dust.

Best of all, you don’t have to worry about storing or carrying around a portable vacuum.

Replacement disposable Cupboard Vac bags are under the Accessories & Products Tab – in the bag section Part # A67


A Vacpan (automatic dustpan inlet) is the ultimate central vacuum inlet for your convenience. Sweep the dust and up to the vacpan. Usually piped in when you are having a central vac system installed in your home.

By pressing a lever, the garage vacuum unit activates, taking the dust and dirt away from your living area into the central vacuum unit which is normally in the garage.

Usually piped in when you are having a central vac system installed in your home. A VacPan can generally be added at a later stage. An ideal time is when you are renovating your kitchen or home.

Vacpans are usually installed in the kitchen, and can be installed in the dining room, laundry, and other rooms with cabinets.

It’s perfect for keeping cooking and dining areas clean.

Kitvac Cupboard Vac Units are ideal for

Your Kitvac Cupboard Vac is ideal for, and can be easily installed into:

  • Kitchens
  • Motor Homes
  • Caravans
  • Granny Flats
  • Sleep Outs
  • Office Kitchens
  • Laundry areas
  • Apartments
  • Man Caves
  • Home Workshop areas
  • Sewing / Craft Rooms
  • Lunch Rooms

If you have seen and would like a Vacpan in your kitchen, but do not want a complete central vacuum system, this is perfect for you.

To order replacement disposable KitVac Cupboard Vac vacuum bags, Phone 0800 354 948.


KitVac Unit - in kick board

Height: 85mm
Width: 230mm

Vacpan - in kick board

Height: 50mm
Width: 215mm
Minimum Kickboard of 120mm height